Sunday, 25 January 2015

2015 Captains Meeting - Friday 6th February

This years Captains Meeting will be held on Friday 6th February at The Chequers Public House, Kettleburgh, with an 8pm start.

The venue has altered this year as it was felt that those that don't normally attend, when it has been previously held at Huntingfield, may attend if the venue was moved to alternative locations. This isn't a reflection on Huntingfield, as they have kindly hosted us for the last few seasons.

The meeting is NOT designed to be an AGM, instead it is an info-sharing meeting, coupled with the allocation of teams to divisions and the First Round Knock-Out Cup draw. We also hand out a list of proposed dates for our various competitions scheduled for the year, as well as details regarding our annual Belgium/Holland trip.

We do not require teams to arrive en masse, instead we ask that one team representative attends (usually the captain or vice-captain). If however you do come as a couple, if there is any voting on matters required, your team will only have one vote.

It is therefore asked that if your team does not attend, that you fully accept whatever decisions are made by the attendees on the evening, as they are intended to be made in the best interests of the league. (As it is not an AGM, the rules of quorum do not apply).

If you intend to enter a team for the 2015 season, we MUST have received your registration form and fees by THURSDAY 5TH FEBRUARY, one day before the meeting.

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