As there are hundreds of visitors to this website every single month and yet very few comments ever left, I thought we'd have a Caption Competition where you can enter your caption by clicking the comment pencil beneath.
The winner will be adjudged by myself and announced at next weeks Registration Night at Huntingfield Village Hall on Friday 11th February. Mystery prize for the best caption.
Thinking caps on.....
I Don't know about you Shirley, but I find a man who keeps his socks on is deeply unattractive...
Jeff Short
No Doris.... That's not what the tape measure is for.
Jeff short
Only the French would have the boules to play naked!
Mike Allum
What do you mean we're getting behind!
Mike Allum
The phrase "Bottom of the league" took on a new meaning...
That Simon is just taking the Micky It doesn't say anywhere in the rules that the last team to enter the league has to play naked :-)
Oi Mary even playing here in France my Boules are cold
They're only here for the craic.
Madge, don't point it's rude
don't do this unless you are piste.
stop calling me Tiny, it's a cold day
They're playing the best of four ends.
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